The Historical Society is open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 10:00 A.M.-2:00 P.M. Researchers must call first to schedule appointments.

The Star-Spangled Banner Trail

Online Event

On Tuesday, May 10th at 12:30 pm, Katherine Marks Hardy, National Park Service Trail Manager for Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine, Hampton National Historic site and the Star-Spangled Banner Trail will share her amazing story about the development of the Star-Spangled Banner Trail and describe the highlights of this journey – one that […]


Researching Military

Online Event

On Wednesday, May 11th at 7 pm, Christopher Smithson will present the Society’s monthly Genealogy program on Researching Military History. This is particularly relevant in Harford County with so many connections to Aberdeen Proving Ground and Edgewood Arsenal. The presentation will explain how to seek out records of the military and government service of your […]


Genealogy Research Resources for African American Ancestors

Online Event

The Wednesday, June 8th, 7 pm Genealogy program will feature Genealogist Mary Schweers in a special program honoring Juneteenth just a bit early. The presentation will provide information on the locations of Genealogical Research Resources for African-American Ancestors. Ms. Schweers will highlight areas of research that might otherwise be overlooked in your genealogy search and […]
