The Untold History of Belle Vue Farm


On September 11, 1851, the nation was shocked by the standoff between Baltimore County slave holder, Edward Gorsuch and freedom seekers in Christiana, Pennsylvania, known as the Christiana Resistance. This complex series of events culminated in the largest treason trial in U.S. history. Join us for a virtual presentation by guest speaker, Dr. Iris Barnes on Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 12:30 pm to learn about the roots of this pivotal event in Harford County’s Belle Vue Farm.

Dr. Iris Leigh Barnes is an experienced and award-winning professional historian and educator. Her scholarship interests range from the Civil War to Civil Rights, focusing on the tenacity and resilience of African Americans who survived and thrived against the odds. In addition, she specializes in developing inclusive museum interpretations and educational curriculum. County residents have profited from her numerous projects in local museums, the Liriodendron and recently at Belle Vue Farms where Dr. Barnes’ research helped to make the designation of this county property an Underground Railroad Network to Freedom Site.

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